
The Federal Government Deemed Cleaning "ESSENTIAL" During the 2020 Pandemic.
And Now Many Cleaning Businesses Are Experiencing Unprecedented GROWTH!

You Deserve To GROW Too!

 for Your Family 
for Your Future
 for Your Dreams

Join Me to hear What You MUST Do In The NEW NORMAL Cleaning Business Economy!
If You Finally Want To build a Million Dollar, Self-Running,

Residential Cleaning Business, Then You MUST Attend This Virtual Event! 

From the comfort of your home!
from the solitude of your office!
without getting on a plane and booking a hotel!
Did you EVER think owning your own business
Could be fun?
Can You Imagine:
  • JOY: A BUSINESS you love, a life others want, pride and joy in success
  • PROSPERITY: The six-figure income you deserve
  • FREEDOM: Finally a business that works for you
  • SUCCESS: Staff that love their job, love working for you, that don't want to quit

Curious if this event is for you? 
Let’s see!

  • You've been in business for a while but feel stuck (with your income and your time)
  • Or you’re just getting started and want to have a clear plan to follow
  • You know you have what it takes, but there's still too many people who don't even know you exist
  • You’ve gone through other programs, trainings or events and still aren’t where you want to be
  • ​You’re tired of feeling guilty about working so much and feeling disconnected from your family or friends
  • You're already in high demand but you're still not charging what you know you're worth
  • ​You can't ever seem to expand because there are so many problems with employees who don't care or who keep quitting.
And, you want...
  • Clarity & Focus on what to do and how to grow to the next level
  • To wake up every day in love with your business, your clients, employees, and life
  • More financial freedom & time with your loved ones
  • To charge what you're worth, and still win the clients
  • More consistent growth for your time and effort
  • Less drama, no chaos, more joy
  • ​Employees who love what they do and appreciate their job and you!
  • To get unstuck from the income roller coaster and get the formula for a six-figure income
  • To feel re-energized, focused, passionate, confident and clear
  • To invest in an event where you actually get the steps you need to succeed
At This 3-DAY VIRTUAL EVENT I will show you How:
to build a freedom-based

Million Dollar Residential Cleaning Business In The NEW Normal! 

Is business and life ever going to be normal again??? ***NO!***  

Let's embrace it! And grow beyond our wildest dreams!

 It's time to drop the ball-and-chain of your business, WIN in the new post-pandemic economy, and take action on your NEXT best steps to creating a $1M freedom-based residential cleaning company to live your dreams.

I have helped 100's of business owners turn their brand new, struggling or stalled cleaning business into a growing, thriving, self-running success!

Change your Business! Change Your Life!


May 17-18-19, 2021

For a Power-Packed Business Event 
EXCLUSIVELY for Residential Cleaning Businesses 

Just like you, I too struggled in the beginning.

I started cleaning more than 35 years ago and I did well. My customers loved me and I couldn't believe that people would pay $5 an hour to have their homes cleaned! 

Eight years later, I had more customers than I could handle and I knew that I was ready to build a business and hire employees. It was time for me to go from cleaner to owner. 

It was a tough transition. It felt like everything that was easy when it was just me was now hard, full of drama and chaos -- hiring, training, bidding, winning and retaining. My business started to feel more like a burden than an asset, and my dream of running my own cleaning company was falling away. I remember telling my husband that I thought I was going to have to close my doors.

Then I made the best decision of my life and saved my failing business. 

I Got Help!

I cleaned houses for 8 years and struggled for 15. But after hiring a coach I reached the $1M mark within 9 months. Best investment I ever made was investing in MYSELF! Do you have the guts to invest in YOU?

My residential cleaning business continues to grow. It now earns multiple 7-figures a year.
And I Get To Teach Others How To Grow Too!

Start a Maid Service Business

Debbie Sardone Is 'The Maid Coach'
Founder of the #1 Residential Cleaning Business Academy in the World!
And Founder of the national nonprofit Cleaning For A Reason

Debbie has helped Hundreds of cleaning companies find financial success and freedom from cleaning every day.
Learn what you need to know about creating a $1M Cleaning business.
3 Day Training Event OPEN to 
New and established Residential Cleaning Businesses

Get your blueprint for success. No experience needed!

Change your business. Change your future today. 
Click the button above to get more details.

You NEXT BEST MOVE Starts Here!

Copyright © 2020 - Debbie Sardone

Any earnings or income statements, or any earnings or income examples, are only estimates of what we think you could earn. There is no assurance you will do as well as stated in any examples. If you rely upon any figures provided, you must accept the entire risk of not doing as well as the information provided. This applies whether the earnings or income examples are monetary in nature or pertain .
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